Monday, October 31, 2016

Scenery Animation

Creating an Environment
For this project, we got to create a scenery of our choice, and make it pan across the screen. I decided to go with a beach at night, creating a lonely and colorful scene for the viewer. Sadly, we had to use Photoshop to make it, which was pretty hard, but at least it turned out pretty well. It may be pretty dark, but below ⬇ is all my layers put together.

How It Works
To create a moving environment like the ones frequently used in old cartoons, you need to create several layers without merging them ever (well, unless you just want to show a picture of it??). You just need to make the layers closest to the viewer shorter, farthest (except sky) longer, and the sky doesn't move at all. Characters don't apply to these rules!

Using After Effects
Putting this into After Effects...was actually pretty simple; it didn't take that long at all. All you really have to do with an animation like this is to pinpoint it at whichever side you're starting at, then pinpoint it at the farthest point on the other side. Sorry if that doesn't make sense lol.

- Brenna (• ◡•)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Walk Cycle

Drawing It Out
In early September, we started with our walk cycle project. Our first task for it was to draw out body parts for a particular character and then outline them in Sharpie (I made a sexy astronaut :>). Afterwards, we had to scan in the sheet of paper to single out the body parts and give them color if we wanted to.

It's Alive!
When we had our character(s) and background ready, we then uploaded the files into After Effects where we had the character move across the screen. Although we were supposed to use the puppet tool to make the movements more realistic, I couldn't figure it out, so I just made my astronaut march instead (special guest star: extraterrestrial).

- Brenna (• ◡•)

Starter Animations

Sorry in Advance
I will be uploading a few projects within the next day or so that I meant to put on here a month or two ago, but I've just been really busy and haven't gotten around to it. This is one of them!

Bouncing Ball
Our first project was to create a bouncing ball, even though we had already done that as freshmen. It was fairly simple, but we used a different technique that we did last year. This time, we used After Effects instead of doing it manually in Photoshop.

Using basically the same scenery we used in the bouncing ball animation, we had to create an inchworm, and, using After Effects again, have it inch its way along the screen. We could make the worm look like anything we want, so I made mine look like Wormy from Spongebob :>.
(Sorry this is pretty bad)

- Brenna (• ◡•)