Thursday, November 10, 2016

Story Animation

Our Job
For this project, we had to create a short animated story [that I didn't finish]. We had to incorporate what we learned in both Photoshop and After Effects into it.

Making It
The first objective we had for this project was to make a storyboard, then edit it along the way according to our needs.
Making characters and sceneries was our next priority, whether we created them by a program or by sketch (both for me). Certain parts of its body had to be separate from the other parts in order for it to move smoothly in After Effects. For our background, we once again had to make multiple layers for a better feel of movement.
After finishing those, we had to add everything into After Effects, finally making our story.

Along the way, I finally learned how to use the puppet tool (to move the ant's legs), which I couldn't figure out before and was too stuck up to ask about.
In my work environment, I learned that if I want to get things done, I have to ignore my friends' conversations as much as possible, unless of course it had to do with making my animation better.

Doing Things Differently
If I had the chance to do this again, I would probably do it somewhere where I could easily focus on what I was working on, someplace quiet. I also would have tried to divide my time up equally so I could focus on one aspect of the project at a time.

I Wouldn't Change...
My story. Ants are really cute and I kind of think the story I made for this was cute too...

Learn From the Past
For the next project that I work on, I will try to talk to my friends less and make more time for myself after school if I'm having trouble managing my project.

I'm sorry that I didn't finish this. It may sound like an excuse, but I really am a very slow worker and I didn't have the resources or very much time after and outside of school to really work on it. I will try my best to finish it outside of class! ◔̯◔

- Brenna (• ◡•)

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