Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Personality Type


So the other day I found out that my Myer-Briggs personality type is INFJ, not INFP, which made me really angry because now I share my personality type with Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden when I used to share it with people like Johnny Depp and Heath Ledger. At least not all of the people I share it with are terrible; I also share my type with Tilda Swinton, Sufjan Stevens, Al Pacino, Adrien Brody, and Rooney Mara (who is so cute btw so don't you dare trash her). INFJ means that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging, and I'm sure you already know what all of these means so I don't have to explain it.

On Point?
For the most part yes. I'm almost always recognized as quiet, and it is really easy for me to cry about something small. Everything I can remember about my type is accurate; there is nothing (that I can remember) that I can't relate to. It doesn't really help me to better understand myself, since I already knew all of these things about myself.

I don't really know how I can relate my personality type to how I act in a group, in my family, or basically anything else. That's definitely something I can't explain, I don't know why :<. However, somebody misunderstanding me is something that happens often. I have read that my type compliments people so much that it may sound like that person is flirting with everybody, and I worry about that constantly. About me "having issues" with other people? Definitely. I know someone who is a huge extravert, loud and proud. They argue with other people a lot, always thinking that they're in the right, which really bugs me, not just when I'm around them.

What I've Learned
I don't really think I've learned all that much from this, considering I have already learned about a lot of this stuff before we did this. :<

Golden Retriever
We also took the Lion/Otter/Golden Retriever/Beaver test to see which of these animals you are, and I got the golden retriever. It was surprisingly accurate; it said that I am very loyal, I look for security, I have deep relationships with a few close friends, looks for appreciation, wants to be loved by everyone, indecisive, calm, indifferent, and is too soft on other people. That is definitely me ok it's weird.

- Brenna (• ◡•)

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