Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bouncing Ball Animation

Frame by Frame
As the heading implies, this animation was made with Photoshop using several frames of a similar picture to make the stills come alive. To make it appear to bounce on the ground, I used the animation skill "squash and stretch" to make the ball appear to be very fast and bouncy. To make the ball appear to slow down at the top using the skill "ease-in, ease-out" (there are other names for it too).

More on the Subject...
If you were wanting to learn more about these animation techniques I suggest you look at these pages:

Squash & Stretch --  12 Principles of Animation: Squash and Stretch - IdeaRocket
                               Squash & Stretch Explanation Video
Ease-In, Ease-Out -- Principles of Animation: Ease In and Ease Out - IdeaRocket

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