Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Godzilla Goes to McDonald's

The Scope
This, I'm pretty sure, is our final project. For this, we were put into randomly generated groups to come up with a short story to create using VFX and some of the concepts we learned throughout our year in animation.


My team started off filming the scene where Godzilla (Ashlee) is taking the food from the worker (Josh). The rest was just making models in Maya, which was what I was doing for a lot of the time. After all the models were made, I created the title card using Illustrator. After a LONG time, everything was done, and Gabe and James put it all together in After Effects.

If Things Had Been Different
I know it's not something that I did, but I wish Rowan had decided to make the spaceships in Maya, since it would have been a lot easier to combine everything into one Maya file. That's my only real criticism, but he did do a really, really good job when it came to making them.
Oh, I guess another one would be that we didn't follow the storyboard at all (and I didn't know about it)??? So...maybe we should've followed the storyboard?? There were also so many editing errors made in the story (that I didn't know about) that I don't care to mention them all.

Same Things
I mean, I thought it was pretty funny, and so did everyone else, so I guess I'd keep the humor aspects in it. I also think that the greenscreen effects were dealt with pretty well, even if we couldn't exactly get our hands on believable costumes.

Making Future Projects Better
TALKING TO EACH OTHER MORE IN THE GROUP WOULD HAVE BEEN VERY HELPFUL!! You know, just so everyone knows what's happening!! We should have done that more often. :>

The End
All and all, this project was pretty fun to make (and watch), even if it was made pretty poorly. I don't regret it!

- Brenna (• ◡•)

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